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Food Photography

When I was serching for new recipes for dinner on the internet, I see many great food photography. Colorful vegetables and fruits, plates and dishes... they are nicely framed and make perfect photos. I'm so interested in the food photography area. I never thought about taking pictures of food, but why not, I decided to try some this morning.

Well I didn't really prepared for this photo shoot, so I just went to the kitchen and saw what I have. I grabed some tomatos, avocado, garlics, red onion, and cilantro. I found some linen fabric in my crafting tool closet. Then I gave it a try.

I really enjoyed the photo shooting. Thinking about the lighting and deciding the position of the vegetables are a lot of fun! This is kind of adicting.

I difinately try again with other food and make it a Food Photography series. Also I have a bunch of idea for photography props!

I found a new passion!

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